Nazi On Ballot In Illinois For Congressional Seat

Arthur Jones, a 70-year-old former insurance agent, is running unopposed in the GOP Primary for a Chicago area Congressional seat. He is a Holocaust denier, stating the murder of 6 million Jews was, “the biggest, blackest, lie in history,” and that the Holocaust amounted to “propaganda, whose purpose is designed to bleed, blackmail, extort and terrorize, the enemies of organized world Jewry.” He is also the former head of the American Nazi Party, and currently leads the America First Committee, which excludes Jewish members. Donald Trump must be proud!

Jones wants to, “bring our troops home now to defend our borders.” He thinks English should be the official language. “No amnesty for illegal immigrants.” He also feels the current Federal government wants to, “change neighborhoods that are too white, too Christian or too straight.”

The particular seat is in a highly Democratic District and his chances of winning are unlikely. Of course, the same thing was said about Donald Trump. He also opposes interracial marriage and is unsure whether Latino’s and blacks should have the right to vote.