Donald Trump: “You Surround Yourself With People Who Demand So Little Of You”

Millie Jackson is an R&B songstress perhaps best known for her monologues and raunchy lyrics. Her height of popularity was during a long run from the 1970’s thru 1990’s where she did quite well with the possible exception of her Country album. She did on occasion come out with a sweet love ballad, one of which was “Sweet Music Man” which she performed as a duet with Kenny Rogers who originally wrote and performed the song. One of the lyrics was, “You surround yourself, with people who demand, so little of you!” I am reminded of that line often when thinking of Donald Trump.


Donald has always operated in a vacuum where he only needed to work with a few people, all of which under his direct control. Despite his need for adulation he doesn’t really like people and would rather be adored in the media or cheered from a stage than actually holding conversations and shaking hands. The self-professed germaphobe doesn’t like people much at all despite his overwhelming need to be liked.

When Trump had to form a government, he basically had to outsource it to a few new friends around him with some government experience. He appointed Chris Christie to head up his transition team who he had to dump when Bridgegate problems became a drag. He then appointed Pence to head the transition who had staffed a Governor’s and Congressional office but perhaps was over his head given the apparent lack of vetting of Cabinet officials and Mike Flynn who headed up (briefly) the NSA.

Besides Pence, suggestions whirled around Trump coming from Bannon, Flynn, Sessions, Priebus, Gingrich, Giuliani, and others who had, “said nice things” about Trump which he associated with credibility. He found himself increasingly surrounded with people more loyal to those that got them their jobs than Trump himself. He tried to overcompensate by refusing to let Tillerson, McMasters and others appoint their own staffs. Surrounding them with spies who would report back to Donald.He gave offices and more power to Jared and Ivanka, hoping “blood’s thicker than the mud.”


And then there’s Russia. There’s no doubt Russia worked to influence the Presidential Election in favor of Trump. The number of relationships the Trump Campaign and Administration have with Russian oligarch’s, politicians and spies defies any possibility of coincidence. The only question that remains is how much did they collude with Russia and who was involved? Manafort is gone but many of the staff he brought on remain. Bannon has been coordinating most everything in Trump world, how could he not be involved? Flynn had visible conflicts given his paid roles for Russia and Turkey. Some while involved with the Trump campaign. Jared has had questionable contacts. All of these were either not disclosed or lied about. Trump himself has acted as the Putin’s Special Ambassador, praising him at every turn, condemning him for nothing.

Now that the investigations have begun. The one word that must have Trump shivering in his gold-plated boots is being uttered… immunity. He must know these people have no personal loyalty to him, just as he would have none for them in a situation where one of them had to go. Flynn has offered testimony to the FBI and the Intelligence Committee’s if given immunity. Immunity is typically offered when you have evidence against someone higher up that they want more than you. On the Trump organizational chart there is only one man above Flynn. Trump himself.

How does it end? A man like Trump will not fall from grace willingly or easily. He’ll tweet up a storm, encouraging his most ardent followers to revolt. He’ll accuse every party involved of malfeasance, conspiracy, and treason. He has publicly stated the President “cannot have a conflict of interest.” It’s a small step to presume he’s also above the law. He’ll look to those he would wish would help, Congressional Republicans, White House Staff, the people he appointed. He’ll only see those planning their own escape from the Hell Thump hath wrought. They won’t mind selling him out for some immunity of their own.


Back to the Millie Jackson lyric. Donald Trump has surrounded himself with people who demand very little of him. They never required him to grow up. They allowed him to continue his irresponsible tweets. They Trumpsplained his every thought and action, treating them as brilliant negotiation strategies instead of the rash, childlike responses of a bully. Because they allowed him to throw his tantrums without reprimand. He in turn demanded little of them. We have a President who is knowledgeable about no policy and has the attention span of a flea. No one will throw themselves on their sword to protect him. Even Ben Carson will declare, “No mas” and give up. He offers nothing of value worth protecting. From now on it’s every man/woman for themselves. And it couldn’t happen to a more deserving person.

Trump’s Unbelievably Very Bad Day In Review (3/30/2017) Part 2: The Unanswered Questions

As the scandals swirl around Trump and the Hunger Games are about to begin. These are the questions that have started to be asked but are nowhere near answered. Even after his already unbelievably bad day. This is what I still want to know:

When Trump Is Ousted... What's Next?

  1. Jared Kushner is getting ready for his time under the microscope. Between his secret meeting with a Russian bank on a government watch list and attending another secret meeting with Michael Flynn when they snuck the Russian Ambassador into Trump Tower. After they look at his family’s real estate deals given he hasn’t truly divested from their holdings. When it comes time for him to testify and possibly need to cut a deal for himself. Will Ivanka side with him or daddy?
  2. When Paul Ryan is finally compelled to explain his role in helping Devin Nunes perpetrate his fraud in trying to cover for Trump’s tweet claiming Obama spied on him. How far under the bus will Ryan throw Nunes.
  3. When Nunes is compelled to speak, possibly testify about the degree of White House involvement in the illegal dissemination of classified data (Given only to one party for political use). Who will he blame? Why did Ryan bless it?
  4. Will Mike Pence be able to stay above the fray even after allegedly vetting Mike Flynn and doing nothing after being notified by Elijah Cummings in writing of Flynn’s deception.
  5. Will Trump resign or will he have to be dragged out by his orange hair? What will his hair look like if he spent months away from dye, blow dryers and stylists?
  6. Where is Bannon in all this? You know he’s the manipulating force behind much of this, moving the chess pieces until they all get captured.
  7. Rex Tillerson used to be a Captain of Industry. Now he hides and poses for pictures without speaking, running from the press. He obviously didn’t need the job. Why does he stay? Where’s his pride?
  8. Don’t think I forgot allegations about Trump with underage girls and dozens of claims of sexual harassment and assault. Still want to know?
  9. When will Vegas start establishing odds on his Trump’s impeachment/resignation?

Trump’s Unbelievably, Very Bad Day In Review (3/30/2017) Part 1

As bad as The Donald’s days have been of late. This one is like begging of the bad. He’s running out of distractions and family members to give jobs at the White House. He can run but he can’t hide kind of day! Such a bad day there will undoubtedly be a part two. Here’s the early edition.


  1. The New York Times breaks the news the House Intelligence Committee Chair Devin Nunes press conference which made President Trump feel “partially vindicated.” Was all a hoax. Two individuals, one from the NSA and the other from the office of the White House Counsel that formerly worked for Nunes. Leaked the information from the White House to Nunes so that he could run back to the White House and reveal it to the President. Trump’s credibility for the first time of anyone in recorded history has reached a negative number.
  2. Sean Spicer in attempting to protect Trump when pressed by reporters about White House involvement. Disputed his own words being read back to him by stating. “I never promised to respond to your questions, just look into them.”
  3. The Wall Street Journal reports in breaking news that Mike Flynn has agreed to testify if given immunity from prosecution. Allow me to rephrase, We have found Deep Throat and he’s about to start singing.
  4. Trump is rumored to be writing a new book, “The Art of the Plea Bargain.”
  5. Trump tweets up a storm criticizing the Freedom Caucus, Democrats and others. Given that he’s literally condemned now everyone else in America its truly #TrumpAgainstTheWorld. More most likely to come…

Happy Anniversary Enigma In Black (And Happy Birthday to Me)

Happy Anniversary! Enigma In Black is one year old today. I confess I started out blogging without any specific goals! I wrote because I had things to say and needed to get them out. I wrote long essays on Facebook before I started this blog. More than a few posts are repackaged writings from before I had this forum.

Along the way, I decided upon a modest goal of 33,333 views by the end of the first year. I passed that early this month. My new goal is to reach 100,000 views by the end of year two. I follow bloggers who have that many views for a single post. Baby steps!

A few random thoughts. I started my blog on my birthday which allows me to keep track of anniversaries. Three people I owe in particular for starting this blog are former Fisk classmates Adrian Williams and Barbara Jackson who never failed to push me saying, “You should start a blog!” Thirdly, fellow blogger Babz Rawls Ivy who literally walked me thru the initial steps and made it impossible to turn back. This obligates them I think to keep reading and keep pushing so that I keep growing and push myself sometimes beyond what is comfortable.

I write about politics, maybe too much but the current environment requires it. I write about race, systemic injustice, education, and more and more… history. Those who do not know their past are indeed doomed to repeat it. In the future, I will be not only making commentary but suggesting ways to make a difference. In the same way that faith without works is dead… so are words without action.

Thank you for those who read almost all of my posts. I know who you are and you are greatly appreciated. Especially those that disagree with my views and are willing to use your words to express another view. I am above neither learning or changing my mind.

If you don’t read anything else, I encourage you to follow my Shadow Warrior series. A new individual/group is recognized each month on the 7th for what they’re doing which may not yet be receiving widespread recognition. Honoree’s so far are:

Sevgi Fernandez

The Wilson Academy

Kelly Wickham Hurst

I’m always looking for new people to highlight and your suggestions will be appreciated.

On to a new year. I have exciting (to me anyway) plans to reach a wider audience and hopefully make a difference. Take care!

William Spivey (Enigma in Black)

Fixing Obamacare! (How To Improve The Affordable Care Act)

It’s time to start talking about specific fixes for Obamacare, also known as The Affordable Care Act (ACA). Make no mistake that the overall solution will be complex. In a perfect world the solution might well be to repeal and replace The ACA with a single-payer solution which maybe is what Democrats should have gone for in 2009 instead of trying to compromise with Republicans who ultimately wouldn’t cast a single vote for the bill.

I have two suggestions that will have a major impact on the fortunes of the bill. Based on reversing the attempts of Republicans to sabotage the Act. The Act that Paul Ryan grudgingly acknowledges is “the law of the land.” If we follow the path of Republican instruction and sabotage. It provides a light on the way to begin fixing it.

The first step is for all the states that refused to expand Medicaid to now do so. It was thought by Democrats that the reasons for participating in the expansion were so compelling for their own residents than no Republican Governor’s or state legislatures could refuse to accept the funds. Little did they know the obstinacy of the generally rich men with government provided health care to deny their less well to do citizens a bit of the same.



Kansas and North Carolina are already working to expand Medicaid in their states. Before the Presidential election, Nebraska, Idaho, South Dakota, and Georgia were considering expansion which they put on hold when they were certain the ACA would be repealed. The epic failure of Trump/Ryan to eliminate the ACA may have them reconsidering. Think of the positive impact on the laws financial projection and the health benefits to more citizens if Florida, Texas, and all of the 17 states that didn’t expand the ACA simply did so? I’ve written to my Congresswoman to suggest she request a Congressional Budget Office (CBO) score, depicting the results and increase in coverage if the 17 holdout states accepted the Medicaid expansion.

Of course the word simply doesn’t apply because not only to the Governor’s of those states need to be convinced. Many Republican controlled states, fortified by gerrymandering. Will still be stubborn opponents to provide to the have-not’s what they themselves take for granted. It will require the same types of pressure as recently applied across the country at town halls held by Congress members. Instead of confronting Congressmen and Senators the focus should be on State legislators an Governor’s to enact the will of the people.



The second fix is to undo the sabotage that Sen. Marco Rubio and others did to the ACA in secret. They reduced funding for the obscure “risk-corridors” which basically made insurance companies whole if they lost money by covering those with pre-existing conditions and heaven forbid, sick people. The withdrawal from some markets by insurers was not based on the failure of Obamacare but the deviousness of Rubio



A bonus third thing is to boycott companies like Aetna who withdrew coverage from profitable areas to punish the government for opposing their merger.

Much as the Republicans spoke of “repeal and replace” for seven years without actually having a plan. It’s incumbent on Democrats and indeed the people to make specific demands to fix the ACA.

  1. Expand Medicaid
  2. Restore Risk Corridors
  3. Boycott companies that harm citizens

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Another Bad Donald Trump Day In Review: 3/24/2017

Donald Trump had yet another bad day. It’s not only a trend it’s pretty much the forecast for the foreseeable future.

Sad Trump
  1. After promising so much, his Trumpcare died a pitiful death in the House of Representatives. Not only was the vote never held because they didn’t have the votes to pass their bill. Republicans were exposed in their lack of concern for the American people by demonstrating their willingness to negotiate away coverage for maternal care and for mental illness. I can’t help but point out they voted a few days ago to make certain the mentally ill can buy guns. What can possibly go wrong.
  2. The claim by House Oversight Committee Chairman Rep. Devin Nunes that Trump was monitored fell apart. He now says he doesn’t have in hand any documentation, doesn’t know what’s in it. He came forward because “He’s (Trump) been taking a lot of heat in the media!”Nunes actions make it far more likely there’ll be an independent investigation because he’s proven he can’t be impartial.
  3. Sean Spicer… I almost don’t need to say anything else. Sean Spicer derided reporters for inquiring about the impending collapse of the Republican Health Care bill, asking them to be, “more positive.”
  4. Trump held a press conference during which he blamed the Democrats for the inability of Republicans to agree on a Health Care Plan. This came after leaks showing he also blames Paul Ryan, the Freedom Caucus and Ben Carson. Okay Ben Carson was a joke, nobody believes he’s responsible for anything including the Department he’s the Cabinet Secretary for.
  5. Trump “approved” the Keystone XL Pipeline on paper which brings the project no closer to gaining local approvals for permits and from the State of Nebraska. Trump claims the project will add 28,000 permanent jobs. This is contradicted by the State Department which calculates the actual number of permanent jobs created will be 35.
  6. Eric Trump promised to inform his father regularly about the business he’s running so that daddy won’t have a conflict of interest. Eric said those reports would come, “probably quarterly.” He made that statement just minutes after he said, “I don’t talk about the government with him, and he does not talk about the business with us.”
  7. Russia, never forget about Russia. Paul Manafort has agreed voluntarily before the House Oversight Committee. Of course the earlier mentioned Devin Nunes who chairs the committee, arbitrarily canceled a public hearing so there’s no guarantee we’ll ever know what he says.
  8. Did I tell you Trump blamed Democrats for his Health Care failure. Such a kidder that Donald.

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Trumpcare: The State of Healthcare in America (How Many More People Will Die?)

” To illuminate how distorted things have become. President Trump has been willing to drop Mental Health Coverage from the list of present guaranteed services. This a few days after Republicans voted to ensure access to guns for the mentally ill.”

How did we get to the point where the discussion on health care has come down to how much less coverage can be provided and how much tax relief can be granted to already rich people? Ideology has trumped and exposed that concern for the American people is only imagined. The less political clout a constituency has, the less they get.

For those that imagined that the new President was your champion when he promised to provide a “great plan.” To paraphrase Kanye West, “Donald Trump doesn’t give a damn about sick people.” To illuminate how distorted things have become. President Trump has been willing to drop Mental Health Coverage from the list of present guaranteed services. This a few days after Republicans voted to ensure access to guns for the mentally ill. To the women who ignored all the misogyny Trump demonstrated not just during the campaign but during his lifetime. He’s also willing to negotiate away maternal care. Did you forget he was a scorpion?

Although Republicans are at the forefront of the current campaign to kill The Affordable Care Act. Democrats share responsibility for where we find ourselves after running away from supporting “Obamacare” for political reasons for the last 7 years. I blame them that many Americans are just finding out that their existing coverage whether it be by Medicaid expansion or participation in exchanges with names that sound nothing like Obamacare, is now at risk.

The Republican Party is imploding right in front of us in a race to serve their masters as opposed to the people. Their priorities are in order:



  1. Provide Tax Relief to the already wealthy
  2. Position themselves best for re-election
  3. Reduce the public cost (and benefits) of Medicare, Medicaid, and healthcare overall
  4. Ship off responsibility to the states while simultaneously capping expenditures
  5. Providing the appearance of caring for any but the wealthy

There are two things Congress could do to be taken seriously on anything they say about health care:

  1. They could vote to change their own government based health care plans to be the exact coverage they offer to all other Americans
  2. Include in the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates the answer to a single question. How many more people will die?

That’s the entire question in a nutshell. How many people are we willing to let die to reduce taxes? Don’t distract by claiming greater access as opposed to coverage. No more talk about percentage of Counties with limited providers. I just want to know how many more people will die?

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Once Trump Has To Go… The Case For a New Election

We’ve learned that the Trump Campaign and possibly the President himself is being investigated by the FBI for possible collusion with Russia to win the 2016 Election. It’s time to consider what to do in the event it’s proven to be the case. There are provisions in the Constitution to deal with an elected official found guilty of a crime. They can be removed through the Impeachment process. They might resign. Never have we seen a situation where the results of a Federal Election may have been tainted, unduly influenced by a foreign rival. If it’s found to be true. What do we do next?

saddd trump


Some things will be true in an environment where Republicans control the Senate, the House of Representatives, and theoretically the Supreme Court if the appointment of Neil Gorsuch has been confirmed and he’s been seated by the time of Trump’s ouster. They would likely oppose any attempt to change the outcome of the election although they might be relieved to replace the man at the top if we followed the Presidential Line of Succession. Replacing Trump might even make implementing their agenda easier. The case I would make that everything that happened as a result of the election. Almost  everyone in the line of succession would be, “Fruit of the poisonous tree.”

Except for the Speaker of the House (Paul Ryan), and the President pro tempore of the Senate (Orrin Hatch). Every other person in the line of succession is a direct result of a tainted election. None including Vice-President Pence should be able to benefit from a result influenced and very possibly changed by Russian interference and possible collusion. If there were no collusion the case for a new election is not as strong. If the collusion is proven to be true. No other result is acceptable! Fruit of the poisonous tree.

In a criminal court (which this is not). Evidence derived by means determined to be illegal may not be used. The Fruit of the Poisonous Tree Rule goes further to say that any evidence gathered because of the initial evidence that couldn’t be shown would be gathered by other means must be excluded. Without the tainted election of a Trump there would be no Pence, Tillerson, Mnuchin, Mattis, Sessions, to take over. They would all be fruit of the poisonous tree no matter what the Party in power might prefer. The question must also be raised, what to do about Neil Gorsuch, Trump’s Supreme Court Nominee. So what to do next?

sadd trump


If this were an election for House of Representatives or for the US Senate. The election could be voided by either of those bodies and a new election could be held. In 1974, John Durkin was seated in the US Senate after a New Hampshire result was voided by the Senate and a new election ordered. Several Elections in the House of Representatives have been voided for various reasons. There is no existing mechanism to overturn the results of the Electoral College for President once certified which they have been. This is a situation not contemplated by the Founders. They did imagine a President swayed by foreign gifts which arguably Trump is also guilty of. They said nothing about an election result changed by an enemy power. Given that the next in line in the line of succession is at best fruit of the poisoned tree and at worst a willing participant. The solution must be something not previously contemplated. We need a new election!

The current political realities are that Donald Trump has a base that has loyalty to him personally and not necessarily the Republican Party. Depending on the level of proof and assuming there will be no confession from Trump who never apologizes lest he appear weak. The Republican’s cannot assume the new President whether it be Pence (if not also implicated) or Ryan will have strong support. There will be those who clamor for the appointment of the “rightful winner Hillary Clinton.” I don’t see who could legally make that decision. Neither branch of Congress has the power outside their own body. The Supreme Court has no law to interpret here and should defer to Congress. I see no mechanism where anyone can be appointed to the Presidency. The results of the last election must be voided and a new one held.

This would be a vote Republicans would likely resist until almost the very end. They will not be willing and it will take immense pressure from the public to make it happen. The people will literally have to rise up and make any other choice unacceptable. What is totally unacceptable is to have our President chosen for us by Russia, especially given any quid pro quo like the weakening of NATO, lessening of sanctions, or turning a blind eye when Russia takes over Ukraine and others. All of which seem to be happening already. Our State Department is being reduced in power and people in a manner that can only be explained because of… Russia. The people must require a new election, or recall and change out those who don’t agree.

It will be an ugly process. The ugliness shouldn’t be a deterrent because every other path will be equally nasty without the benefit of being fair. Republicans will begin with the advantage. They’ll call for following the Line of Succession and swearing in Mike Pence. There must be a strong and forceful effort. Not from just the minority Democratic Party but the American People. Unwilling to have Russia determine our President or even his  successor.

Many of the Republicans in Congress are lawyers. Some former judges or prosecutors. They will be familiar with the concept of fruit of the poisonous tree. They must not be allowed to benefit from it. A new election held as quickly as possible is the only way!

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Donald Trump’s Worst Day Ever In Review (3/20/2017)

Donald Trump has had some bad days. Protests at his inauguration, The Women’s March, and others across the nation. The times he and his surrogates have been caught in flagrant lies. The mocking of him on SNL. His failures to implement his Muslim Ban. Today I think was his worst ever:

a a trump


  1. Jim Comey said on behalf of the FBI and the Justice Department that there’s not a shred of truth to Trump’s tweet about President Obama “wiretapping” Trump Tower. He went on to say a President doesn’t have that power and left no room whatsoever for Trump to claim otherwise.
  2.  Comey went on to confirm there is an investigation of Russia and it’s impact on the Presidential election.
  3.  More importantly, Comey acknowledged that members of the Trump campaign/administration are being investigated for possible collusion with Russia. They’re also following the money to see if Americans got paid to undermine the election.
  4. Trump’s ratings hit 37% which is a new record low for a President this early in his administration.
  5. Memes are going around about Rex Tillerson the Secretary of State being “tired.” He has often refused to meet and dine with foreign hosts/guests the day before a meeting which has been protocol. Tillerson’s photo has started to appear on milk cartons because he’s been missing from holding press conferences except once since being confirmed.
  6. Various Cabinet members have had the charge of Perjury thrown about regarding their testimony (lies) in Congressional hearings.
  7. The White House responded to Comey saying there’s “no evidence” of collusion despite having fired Manafort and Flynn for Russian ties. Lying about meetings held by Sessions, and having to reveal previously unknown meetings between Russia and his son-in-law Jared.
  8. Reports leaked that Trump has hired people to spy on his own Cabinet members and administration to “find the leakers.”
  9.  His 5-year-old grandson Tristan broke his leg while skiing.


#Note: The day is early and Trump can certainly add to his horrible, horrible day!

The Trump Youth (Their Parents Must Be So Proud)

I was watching a news program this evening when they broke in with live coverage of Donald Trump’s speech/rally in Nashville, TN. I went to college in Nashville and have a feel for the community. Had I spent all my time on the campus of the HBCU I attended (Fisk University) I might have had a skewed perspective but I spent a lot of time in the city. I spent three summers in Nashville and was dragged by my Assistant Basketball Coach to every nook and cranny to play in summer leagues and pick up games. I spent time in tiny Portland, upscale Brentwood and Green Hills, West End near Vanderbilt, rough South Nashville and a number of other college campuses that were as predominantly white as Fisk was mostly black.

Nashville was definitely “The South” which was made clear to me the first meal I had in a city restaurant when the waitress walked up and said, “Can I help ya’ll,” in a drawl that seemed almost a parody of how I imagined Southerners talked. I remember my first visit home to Minneapolis where I was born and my friends let me know I had acquired a Southern accent. I personally experienced almost no racism during my four years in Nashville. My perspective was perhaps unique because I was a basketball player. A friend of mine said we couldn’t go anywhere without being recognized. I was tall and despite my gentle demeanor, physically imposing . I wasn’t the likely candidate to be confronted randomly with verbal or physical abuse.

I know people in Nashville that are now part of the establishment. Lawyers, ministers, doctors, judges, businesspeople. I didn’t really expect to see any of them in the Trump crowd but was amazed at what I did see. Standing together, just a couple rows behind the President as he spoke were several young men similarly dressed in dress shirts and ties with either a sports coat or jacket. One in particular wore a brown jacket eerily similar to those worn by the Hitler Youth of another era.

Trump Youth



I was transfixed watching them as they cheered every Trump statement. One on my right was always looking around to see who could see him in his prominent place directly behind Donald Trump. When Trump referred to the power of the President in the area of immigration. He mentioned that he… or she had certain powers. He added, “Fortunately it isn’t she Hillary Clinton!” On cue, the “Trump Youth” burst into a chant of “Lock her up!” which caused the President to turn, face them, and smile.

I’m fairly certain the people placed directly behind the President at a rally are not there accidentally. Their attire was not coincidental. They were all clean shaven with rather similar hair. I scanned the rest of the crowd with their red hats as they booed news the Muslim Ban had been blocked again by a Hawaii judge. I turned back to the line of youth and wondered where they would be a year from now? Where in ten? The better question perhaps is what will they be? Will they be teachers, elected leaders, law enforcement officers or judges. I wondered what their parents will think when they inevitably see the video of their sons?

trump youth


I went to the Internet to see if pictures were available yet to include with this post. There weren’t, but I stumbled on a live YouTube feed of the speech and wondered if I could grab a screen shot. To the right of the screen was live feedback where people could post their comments. The running feed was all hatred and vitriol. Mostly from the right but occasionally from the left as well. Many were glad there was “no longer a nigger in the White House.” One commenter referred to Trump supporters as “the Klan.” The reply was, “Damn right we’re the Klan.” The comments were scrolling by almost too fast to read. The general theme was unmistakeable.



Trump Youth


I don’t blame Donald Trump for what is happening in America. He didn’t cause this divide, nor did his predecessor Barack Obama. Each in their own way, Obama by existing and Trump by exhorting his base; exposed America and it’s racial warts. I fear for America because I see the immediate future getting worse before it gets better. As Donald might tweet… #Sad!

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